April 27, 2022
The development application is for the construction of a 12-storey mixed-use office and industrial building at the corner of Quebec Street and East 6th Avenue in Mount Pleasant. The building falls within the I-1B District Schedule and comprises 196,351 sqft of floor area. The project also consists of the relocation, designation, and conservation of an existing two-storey (10,632 sqft) heritage building onsite (SFU Annex built in 1929) for the purpose of delivering to the city to operate as an arts centre.
- The designation, alteration and relocation of an existing two-storey Heritage building which includes Artist Studio Class A & B
- To develop a 12-storey, mixed-use building, including:
- Wholesale and Office uses
- A combined FSR of 6.6
- A combined proposed floor area of 196,369 sqft.
- A proposed height of 150 ft.
- Three levels of underground parking, having vehicular access from the lane