The City of Burnaby is Taking Ambitious Moves with Its Burnaby Transportation Plan

The City of Burnaby is Taking Ambitious Moves with Its Burnaby Transportation Plan

  • Burnaby
  • Real Estate
  • Redevelopment
  • rezoning application
July 22, 2021

We are still in the early stages of the Burnaby Transportation Plan and city recently developed a draft plan outlining the foundations and implementation strategy framework for decision-making and prioritization of work programs and project. Foundation was added in to ensure it addresses existing policies. The image below outlined the whole plan structure showing the hierarchy and its connection to each other.

We will examine “Big” (Big Move) under Mode. The branch has been refined so it aligns with the Plan’s three targets (Vision Zero, Mode Split, Zero Emission).

Walking and Rolling:

  • By 2030, 80Vc of the Burnaby pedestrian network will be completed to provide an accessible, safe, and comfortable walking and rolling environment.


  • By 2030, the Phase 1 Cycle Network will be completed, providing clear consistent and continuous connections between town centres, major destinations and to neighbouring municipalities.


  • By 2030, the City will install 370 additional bus shelters or bus benches to increase transit passenger comfort.
  • By 2025, the City in partnership with TransLink will complete feasibility studies for future rapid transit corridors to inform the upcoming OCP review, and identify necessary land investments to protect specific corridors.

Goods Movement:  By 2023, the City will establish policies to:

  • require multi-family developments to provide secured storage amenities for oversized deliveries and goods requiring cold storage; and
  • require the provision of EV charging infrastructure for fleet vehicles across businesses, industries, and institutions.


  • By 2026, develop and implement a Smart City Plan for Burnaby comprising of sensor technology, real-time data transmission and analytics to improve safety and optimize network performance.

The goal is to develop an active and sustainable mode of transportation while being environmentally friendly. The development of EV charging station and additional bus shelter are encouraging a move away from gasoline propelled vehicle. With a better walking and rolling pedestrian network, we will likely see more community interaction and businesses that grows around it. The new transportation network will enhance connectivity throughout Burnaby to Town Centers and Destination. Driving will be least prioritized based on the proposed draft.
